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Sivun sijainti: Etusivu » In English » Membership » How to join?

How to join?

To apply for membership, please fill in this form. You can apply for membership in several sections at the same time.

Please also fill in the form if:

  • you are already a member but want to apply to a new section
  • you are a student or trial member and want to apply for full membership

Please remember to provide the required attachments and appendices (e.g. diplomas, register extracts and so on). Applications are handled about five times per year.

All members of SKTL are entitled to members’ benefits and will receive a username and password to access SKTL’s online services.

Membership fees for 2024

  • Ordinary membership € 165
  • Trial membership € 120
  • Student membership € 50
  • Associate membership € 1,100
  • Supporting membership € 500

To apply for associate or supporting membership, please contact jasenasiat@sktl.fi.

1.9.2024 klo 09:11:54