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Code of Ethics

The Code of Professional Ethics binding members of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters

This Code of Professional Ethics, which members of the Association must observe in their translation and interpreting activities, was adopted by the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Association’) at its meeting on 25th November 2017. Upon joining the Association, members shall undertake to adhere to the Code for the entire duration of their membership. The Code shall also be binding for anyone who was already an Association member when this Code became effective.

The Code lays down the general standards of good professional practice for translators and interpreters, which the Association wishes to uphold and advance. The Code aims to consolidate collegiality between members of the Association and to strengthen the recognition and influence enjoyed by members, the Association and the fields that it represents in the world of work and as cultural operators, in co-operation organisations and in society at large.


1. General rules of professional ethics

While practising a profession and business in the translation and interpreting field, members of the Association shall foster the values of the professions represented by the Association, so as to maintain and build public confidence in and recognition of these.

Members of the Association shall respect and promote the Association’s mission to be an effective organisation based on co-operation and shared values.

Members must not behave in a manner that undermines the interests and reputation of the Association or its members.

Members of the Association must adhere to this Code of Ethics in all their professional activities. As representatives of the fields represented by the Association, members must also act with integrity and professionalism and comply with the principles of the Code of Ethics in situations not directly governed by the Code.


2. Professional skills

Members of the Association shall actively maintain and diversely develop their professional skills and knowledge of their working languages, while also keeping abreast of developments in the fields relevant to practising their own profession.

When purchasing or supplying services from other providers of language services, members of the Association shall require these providers to possess the necessary competence for each specific assignment and to refrain from operating in a manner that is in conflict with this Code.


3. Professional conduct

Prior to agreeing to accept an assignment, members of the Association shall be in possession of sufficient information to assess the requirements of the assignment and any possible conflicts of interest that they may have. Members shall not accept any assignment for which they may be deemed disqualified, or if the conditions prevent them from performing it with all due professionalism.

Members of the Association shall not accept any assignment with terms or contents conflicting with the Association's Rules or Code of Ethics; nor shall they offer any partner or client terms that are incompatible with these.

Members of the Association shall ensure that any partner whose name they provide in the course of submitting a tender or any other marketing effort, for example, has consented to such use.

Any member of the Association must immediately notify the client in the event of any circumstance that prevents him or her from fulfilling the terms of delivery as agreed.


4. Confidentiality and protection of clients’ information

Members of the Association shall adhere to the non-disclosure and secrecy obligations governing their own sector, both during and after each assignment. Should they wish to use an assignment as a reference at a later date, they must agree this with the client.

Members of the Association must not use any confidential information that they receive in connection with their work for their own personal gain, unless such information is otherwise publicly available. They may only use any material relating to an assignment for the purpose defined for the assignment.

Members of the Association shall ensure appropriate information security so as to prevent unauthorised access to any confidential material. They must also not transfer any assignment to another without the client’s consent, if the client has required them to deal with the assignment personally.


5. Penalties for breach of the Code

Any Association member or third party may notify the Executive Committee of the Association of any breach of this Code of Professional Ethics. The Association’s Executive Committee shall decide on either reprimanding or expelling a member by virtue of Rule 7 of the Association’s Rules.


6. Amending the Code

This Code of Professional Conduct that is binding for members of the Association may be amended as decided by its General Meeting.


1.3.2025 klo 20:25:13