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Sivun sijainti: Etusivu » Liitto » Looking for a translator or interpreter?

Looking for a translator or interpreter?

SKTL’s search engine can help you!



Student, graduate or jobseeker, do you need an authorised translation of your new document? Are you looking for a translator for another sort of text? Or do you need an interpreter?

You can search for a suitable translator or interpreter with our search engine: sktl.fi/in-english/search

Translations of documents issued by a public authority or sent to another authority often require an authorised translator. Please note that in Finland, translators are authorised to translate to or from the following languages: Finnish, Swedish or North, Inari or Skolt Sami


Using the search engine is easy! Simply:

1) Select Extensive search.

2) Choose a language pair: from which language to which language you need the translation.

3) Select text or interpreting from the menu. Here you can read advice on what kind of translator or interpreter is needed, when.

4) Click on the name of the translator or interpreter to see their contact details. Contact the translator or interpreter personally to arrange the assignment.


SKTL does not provide translation or interpreting services and does not give price estimates for these services. We also do not send lists of translators or interpreters. So please contact the translators and interpreters directly, you can find their contact details in your search results.

16.7.2024 klo 05:05:30