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Sivun sijainti: Etusivu » Liitto » SKTL:n hallinto » Rules – Säännöt englanniksi | |
Rules – Säännöt englanniksiThe name, domicile and language of the AssociationRule 1 The name of the Association is Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto – Finlands översättar- och tolkförbund ry (Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters). The Association was founded on 14th February 1955 and its domicile is Helsinki. The languages of the Association are Finnish and Swedish; the language of registration and minutes is Finnish.
The purpose of the AssociationRule 2 The Association is a non-profit organisation and its purpose is to:
Rule 3 In order to fulfil its purpose, the Association shall:
The purpose of the Association is not to seek profit or other direct financial benefit for its members. Notwithstanding, in order to support its activities, the Association may accept donations and bequests and own movable and immovable property as required for its activities.
Members of the AssociationRule 4 A translator, an interpreter, or a teacher or researcher in the field who meets the conditions for membership shall be approved as a regular member of the Association by the Executive Committee by written application. The Executive Committee of the Association may, by written application, approve a student in the field of translation and interpreting as a student member and an individual producing evidence of his or her activities in the field of translation and interpreting as a trial member. The duration of trial membership may not exceed two years, within which period the member must apply for regular membership of the Association. In the event that a trial member is not approved as a regular member of the Association, the member must resign from the Association. The Association’s Executive Committee may, by written application, approve a registered association or a legally competent corporation operating in the field of translation and interpreting as an auxiliary member and an individual or a legally competent corporation acting for the good of the profession as a supporting member. Any proposals for invitations for honorary membership shall be made by the Executive Committee and honorary membership shall be decided by the Association’s ordinary meeting. Rule 5 Regular and honorary members of the Association have the right to vote. Trial, student, supporting and auxiliary members have the right to attend and address meetings. Rule 6 Each member of the Association is obliged to pay membership fees. The amounts payable as membership fees may vary for different member groups. The amounts of admission and membership fees shall be decided by the Autumn Meeting. If a member joins the Association in the middle of a calendar year, the amount of membership fee charged to the member shall be allocated according to the months of membership. The obligation to pay fees shall begin at the start of the calendar month following the date of joining. If a member resigns their membership of the Association in the middle of a calendar year, no membership fees already paid shall be reimbursed. At its discretion, the Executive Committee may, by written application, grant a member exemption from membership fees for a fixed period on serious grounds, such as unemployment, illness or some other equivalent reason. The Executive Committee may permanently exempt a long-standing member from membership fees on grounds of age or retirement. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees. Rule 7 A member is entitled to resign from the Association at any time by informing the Executive Committee or its President of his or her decision in writing. A member may also resign by giving notice at a meeting of the Association for the record. A member who has failed to pay any outstanding membership fees may be expelled from the Association by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may also expel a member who by his or her actions within or outside the Association has substantially damaged the Association or the activities of the profession, or who acts in contravention of the field’s professional ethics. The member is entitled to bring his or her expulsion to the attention of the next meeting of the Association by submitting a demand to this effect within a month of being notified by the Executive Committee of its decision on expulsion. The matter must be dealt with at the first possible meeting of the Association following the notification for which there is time to include the matter in the invitation. None of the above in this paragraph shall apply to a member expelled due to failure to fulfil the obligation to pay a membership fee.
Making decisions
Ordinary meetings of the Association Rule 8 The Association shall hold two ordinary meetings annually, a Spring Meeting and an Autumn Meeting. Power of decision within the Association shall be exercised by those members who are entitled to vote at the Association’s meetings under Rule 5 and who have fulfilled their payment obligations for the previous year. A member entitled to vote at an ordinary meeting may exercise the right to vote by proxy on behalf of a maximum of two members who are not present. Invitations to ordinary meetings must be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the meeting, either in the Association’s member periodical or by letter or electronic mail sent to every Association member to the address informed to the Association by each member. An ordinary meeting shall be quorate when it is convened in accordance with the Rules. Votes shall be taken openly, unless a ballot is demanded. The motion to be carried by a meeting shall be the motion supported by more than half of the votes cast, subject to the provisions of the Associations Act. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have the casting vote; notwithstanding, an election shall be decided by lot. If a member of the Association wishes to bring a matter to an ordinary meeting of the Association for consideration, he or she must inform the Executive Committee of the Association thereof in writing no later than 45 days prior to the meeting, with the exception of a matter mentioned in Rule 7.
Matters to be dealt with at the Association’s Spring Meetings Rule 9 A Spring Meeting must be held before the end of March. The meeting shall choose a chairperson, a secretary, two scrutineers of the minutes and two vote tellers and shall deal with the following matters:
Matters to be dealt with at the Association’s Autumn Meetings Rule 10 An Autumn Meeting must be held between September and November. The meeting shall choose a chairperson, a secretary, two scrutineers of the minutes and two vote tellers and shall deal with the following matters:
Rule 11 An extraordinary meeting of the Association shall be convened when a meeting of the Association so decides, or the Executive Committee considers it necessary, or at least 30 members or at least one tenth of those members entitled to vote so demand in writing from the Executive Committee for a matter specifically notified by them. The same provisions shall apply to a quorum, decision-making and the time and method of invitation to the meeting as specified for ordinary meetings.
Administration of the AssociationRule 12 The Association’s affairs shall be discharged by its Executive Committee, elected from among its regular members at an Autumn Meeting. It shall consist of a President and not less than 3 nor more than 10 regular members. A representative of each Section and local chapter should, as far as possible, be elected as a member of the Executive Committee. Where possible, at least one Swedish-speaking member should be elected to the Executive Committee. The term of office for members of the Executive Committee shall be two years. One half or closest to a half of the Executive Committee members shall be due to retire by rotation each year. The Executive Committee shall choose one of its members as a Vice-President and appoint a secretary and any other necessary officials from among or outside its membership, such as from among the staff. The Executive Committee shall convene at the invitation of the President or, in the event that the President is prevented from attending to his or her duties, the Vice-President, and minutes shall be taken at the meetings. If the Executive Committee so decides, members may also attend an Executive Committee meeting using data communications or some other technical means. The Executive Committee’s meetings shall decide on matters by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote; notwithstanding, an election shall be decided by lot. The Executive Committee shall be quorate when at least half its members, including the President or Vice-President, are present. The duties of the Executive Committee shall include:
The Executive Committee may appoint committees to carry out the Association’s activities under its auspices. Rule 13 In operational terms, the Association shall be divided into Sections operating under the Executive Committee. Each Section’s activities shall be the responsibility of its Chair and Committee, which the Section shall elect from among its members. The term of office of the Chair of a Section shall be two years. A Section shall:
Rule 14 The Association may have unregistered local chapters. The activities of each local chapter shall be the responsibility of its Chair and Committee, which the local chapter shall elect from among its members. The term of office of the Chair of a local chapter shall be two years. Each local chapter shall function as the regional co-operation body of the Association’s members, promote the purposes of the Association within its region and nominate its candidates to the Association’s Executive Committee. Rule 15 The Association’s accounting and operating period is a calendar year. The accounts and annual report must be submitted to the auditor no later than the end of the February following the accounting and operating period.
Signing the name of the AssociationRule 16 The Association’s name shall be signed by the President of the Executive Committee or jointly by two members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may assign an official of the Association to sign the Association's name individually.
Amending the RulesRule 17 Amendment of the Association’s Rules shall require that the proposed amendments are adopted by the majority of members entitled to vote at two consecutive Association meetings, held at an interval of at least one month.
Dissolution of the AssociationRule 18 If the Association is dissolved, its assets must be assigned to causes promoting the Association’s purposes as specified by the meeting deciding on dissolution.
Entry into force of the RulesRule 19 The Rules shall take effect as soon as they have been entered in the Register of Associations. No acquired rights of the members are infringed by this amendment of the Rules. Rule 20 Otherwise, the provisions of the Associations Act in force shall apply.
22.2.2025 klo 19:58:34 |